Hangover Headache Cures

Champagne Pouring

With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting our lives for the last 2 years, it’s understandable that you celebrated hard on New Years Eve. Now the next morning, you are feeling the consequences of too much alcohol with fatigue, headache, and brain fog. Learn what you can do at home to help your hangover headache.

Alcohol is a toxic substance that affects the brain through the actions of various neurotransmitters. Stimulation of dopamine leads to the pleasurable feelings of alcohol and stimulation of serotonin causes nausea. Alcohol depresses brain function by activating inhibitory GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) neurotransmitter and blocking the excitatory glutamate neurotransmitter. Your brain adapts to the inhibitory effects of alcohol and when you stop drinking, you can experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

How Does Alcohol Cause a Hangover?

  • Alcohol increases urination leading to dehydration
  • Alcohol triggers your body inflammatory response
  • Alcohol irritates your stomach lining
  • Alcohol lowers your blood sugar
  • Alcohol dilates your blood vessels leading to headaches
  • Alcohol makes you sleepy

How Much Alcohol is TOO Much?

The effects of alcohol on your body depends on your age, gender, body weight, genetics, and how fast you are drinking. Certain genetic groups lack the enzyme to break down acetaldehyde, a byproduct of alcohol, resulting in hangover symptoms with less alcohol. Your liver can metabolize 1 alcoholic drink per hour. If you drink faster than your liver metabolism, then you can develop hangover symptoms sooner. 

Alcohol Triggers Migraine Headaches

Alcohol can trigger a migraine as soon as 30 minutes to 3 hours or a delayed hangover headache the next morning. Some types of alcohol may have a higher risk of triggering a headache. Components (i.e. tannins, congeners) in red wine are known to be a potent migraine trigger. Darker liquors have more congeners  and can cause more hangover symptoms than lighter alcohol. 

Prevention of Hangover Headache

  • Drink slowly and in moderation
  • Eat while you are drinking
  • Drink water between drinks
  • Choose lighter colored beverages

Tips to Treat a Hangover Headache

  • Avoid more alcohol “hair of the dog”
  • Rehydrate with water and electrolyte beverages
  • Take Ibuprofen or Aleve but avoid Tylenol which can stress your liver even more.
  • Light exercise can help but remain hydrated

Schedule an appointment with our expert neurologist today to learn more about the neurological effects of alcohol!